Friday, November 28, 2008

Pamela Anderson Wants to be Taken Seriously

Pamela Anderson is reportedly tired of being "sexy" and wants to be taken more seriously. Word of advice: you can start by not stripping off your clothes every chance you get.

A source tells Star magazine, "Pam felt her management team just saw her as a sexy pin-up, and she wants to be taken more seriously."

Apparently her and her management group have an action plan to reinvent herself as a "serious actress." Ya good luck with that one


Friday, November 21, 2008

Pamela Anderson's pot plea

Pamela Anderson wants marijuana to be legalised.

The former 'Baywatch' star has written an open letter to US President-elect Barack Obama, outlining ways to make the country better.

Pamela believes cultivating the illegal substance would "save children" and help the environment.

She wrote on her official blog: "I think we should legalise marijuana, tax and monitor - farm hemp etc. This would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be a more secure option and save children in the long run - we should be able to farm hemp in America - it's just silly. It would create jobs and be good for the environment."

Pamela also controversially suggests anyone found guilty of molesting children or possessing child pornography, should be castrated for their crimes.

She continues: "Government must castrate every molester - potential molester - err on the safe side.

If any child pornography is found in anyone's possession, or anyone creating such atrocities, or if any child is brave enough to come forward (at any young age to bring attention to a potential molester - listen) they need to be taken very seriously and see that justice is served.

"The abuse is way worse than any trial could be - our children need more protection and justice seen. It needs to be PREVENTED not just punished.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Psst... Could Vivienne Westwood be lining up Pamela Anderson for a campaign?

At first, this rumour may sound completely ludicrous, but actually it doesn't come as that much of a surprise.

NY Mag is reporting that Vivienne Westwood is lining up Pamela Anderson for her next campaign. According to the goss, the ads will be shot in a trailer park (there are so many jokes I could make right now).

Some might recall that Pammy sat on the front row of Westwood's Red Label spring '09 show at London Fashion Week in September. It was a bit of an unusual call at the time, but now we can see that there may have been more to it than meets the eye.

I'm strangely excited by this. As both a fan of Westwood and Anderson (she is seriously one funny lady - check this) we could do with some more curves in our campaigns. What do you think of this idea?


Monday, November 10, 2008

Pamela Anderson's Sons Get Teased at School

Pamela Anderson has admitted that her wild past has come back to haunt her. Her children often have to defend their mom at school because the other kids tease them about their mom's sex tape.

She says, "They're starting to get to that age where they are defending mommy...Brandon was upset yesterday because some kids said some things at school. Kids can be so mean but I knew this would come.

"I just explained that we are good people and we've never done anything to hurt anyone. I just want them to enjoy school and enjoy life.

"They've seen a lot in their little lives but they're great kids."

It's sad that the kids have to suffer for the stupid mistakes that their parents made. A lot of these Young Hollywood starlets don't understand that the things they do(like release their own sex tapes) might hurt their children in the future.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Pamela Anderson Gets 100% American

Pamela Anderson might be Canadian-born, but she’s taking this year’s naturalized U.S. citizenship and running with it. Word has it that she’s planning on launching products that fit her PETA-friendly, American-loving lifestyle: they’re “100 percent natural, green, conflict free, [and] cruelty free.”

Pamela made a comment that surprised nobody that “the hardest part and the most expensive part has been trying to keep things made in America [...] people have even refused to work with me because of this.”

It’s cool that she’s doing her best to make it happen. It might be costly to keep things American-made, but she’ll recoup and more if she ends up in one of her default poses to grab attention (NSFW).
